What Membership Offers
Give your business a competitive edge when hiring — enhance and expand the benefits you provide for employees.
The Chamber’s Professional Development events are designed to respond to the needs of the Nanaimo business community.
Expand your reach through our unique marketing channels, precise audience targeting and slick message delivery on a variety of channels.
It’s great to be back making real, live social business connections. We’re happy to bring the business community together at our luncheons, biz-after-biz, hosted networking and special events. Together again!
The Chamber provides a platform for businesses to enhance perception of their brand and raise their reputation by affiliating with the Nanaimo Chamber.
We are the voice of business at City Hall, in Victoria and in Ottawa. We have proof of our successes. We look forward to your support as we pursue improved social order and community safety, strategic economic development, and prudent use of our tax dollars.